Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Episode 12, 03/20/2006: "Blu-Cheese Compatible"

With the Gamers Club Podcast away for a little over two weeks Bobby and J have a massive truckload of news to deliver and discuss in our twelveth episode. Join us for issues ranging from the status of the next-generation of consoles to several news items regarding the unhappy bedfellows of gaming and politics. All this and more, including plenty of mindless drivel, and another entry into our Ultimate Library of games.

Download it here!


Blogger ajnrules said...

:o @ drunk podcasting...very interesting results...and Kansas owns you, yo!

Anyways, the discussion related to the US state government's efforts to ban video games was very in-depth and very interesting, and I really can't add anything except for the story about the mother who sued Rockstar for the content on GTA III, and I think she won. Yeah...the world is pretty much still against us.

Anyways, PSP has been getting some pretty good software lately, so much so that it's beginning to look threatening. I mean...Daxter and Syphon Filter PSP has been getting really good reviews, and there's always Me and My Katamari.

Nintendo dumping PlayStation is definitely #1, although 10+ years later, could it have made things better? I mean, PS3 is still going to own the Revolution in terms of sales (to satisfy Sony fanboys everywhere), but we've definitely had our discussions about how Nintendo's new direction has definitely opened roads to games.

Well, as far as I know, the story behind the Virtual Boy was that it was merely something that Yokoi was toying around with, and Nintendo decided to market it out of the blue, and it failed, so I guess it would be Nintendo's error.

"Oh boy! I can't wait to bomb some Dodongos!"

Yeah...Gran Turismo 2 is arguably the best game of 1999, and is still regarded as the best game in the series, so yeah...I don't care.

Anyways...great podcast, although I must admit that the sound of J or Bobby moving around on the sofa sounds like farting. >_> Yeah...I have an immature mind.

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this is Philip from the VG Review Podcast (www.vgrpodcast.com), and if you want to exchange short promo clips email me at vgreviewpodcast@gmail.com

6:54 AM  

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